Transportation design College

February 27, 2017
MFA Transportation Design

A portfolio of work demonstrating the candidate’s design abilities.

Vehicle Track applicants should include vehicular projects that demonstrate high levels of transportation design competency. These should demonstrate creativity, critical thinking, problem solving, originality of solutions, excellent visualization/drawing skills, 3-D exploration, good organizational ability, ability to research, and a sense of curiosity and inquiry. Evidence of previous study of transportation design and competency will be required.

Transportation Systems Track applicants should include examples of design projects and concepts. These might incorporate a variety of projects, but should include some samples of transportation system concepts. Demonstration of critical thinking, problem solving, originality, organizational ability are important. Concepts should be demonstrated through drawing; it is understood that candidates for this track may not have well-developed visualizing skills, but evidence of an aptitude for drawing is important. Students will receive focused training in drawing and sketching once enrolled.

The following formats are acceptable:

  • Slideroom (Web-based).
    Our preferred method for submission is through Slideroom. Upload your portfolio images at A nominal fee will be charged by Slideroom for this service. Full instructions are listed on their site. For general artwork, we recommend scanned images rather than photos for best resolution. Film applicants should provide a DVD; see below for details.
  • Non-Returnable Printed Portfolio.
    Maximum size limit is 11" x 17", including the envelope or covering. This can include a presentation format or simply individual samples of the work. This format works well for the design disciplines in which presentation or project formats are appropriate. Copies of sketchbook can be included in this format along with the portfolio. Work will not be returned.
    Mail with your name and address to: Admissions Office, Art Center College of Design, 1700 Lida St., Pasadena, CA 91103
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